About Scottie

First things first, if you didn’t catch it from the blog title my name is Scott. Originally from Indiana, I currently live in Columbus Ohio. I have always been a huge fan of good food, but never really thought of myself as a “foodie” until the summer after I graduated college. Everyone can probably recall that summer before they entered the “real world” and how you have so much time on your hands you don’t know what to do with yourself. Well, when I wasn’t on the golf course or at the pool I found myself glued to the TV watching the Food Network. I became a huge fan of chefs like Bobby Flay and Mario Batali. I’ve even had the pleasure of visiting some of their restaurants in New York City.

My passion for good food combined with the enjoyment I get out of exploring new restaurants has resulted in this blog. I like to think my taste buds are pretty established and know what they are doing when it comes to finding good food. I’ll visit restaurants all around Columbus and other locations where I may travel. I’ll let my taste buds do the talking and give you my true opinion of the restaurant and their food. When I find a good place I want you to be able to enjoy the same experience that I had. When I find a not so good place I want to be able to say I told you so when you go visit anyway. If there are restaurants you want to know about without taking the risk yourself, let me know and I’ll give it a try and report back to you. Maybe one of these days I’ll open up my own restaurant and then all of you can critque me. Until then I’ll stick to blogging and hope it allows you to find some awesome restaurants with some amazing dishes and come to understand what good food can do for you.


Follow me on twitter @scottieIam

Or email me at scottiestalkingtastebuds@gmail.com

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