Tag Archives: Victorian Village

Cafe Corner- Victorian Village

You’ll find Katalina’s Cafe Corner in the wonderful Victorian Village neighborhood. I’m a little biased as it is the neighborhood where I lay my head to sleep, but still it’s pretty sweet. Cafe Corner is one of my favorite brunch places, when I’m willing to shell out some dough for some quality food and it was Easter, so I figured why not. The price of the food is really the only down fall for Cafe Corner because the meals are always amazing. The patio is also a huge plus during the spring and summer months. Something about eating outside just makes everything better.

I had heard some chatter on twitter recently about the Latin Pancake balls, so I had to give them a try on this visit even though they would put me back $8.95.  They give you a choice of either Nutella or Strawberry preserves filling. I of course went with Nutella because I just love that stuff. Nutella is a usually forgotten about gem that I wish was more used by restaurants.  For those of you that don’t know what Nutella is “You better ask somebody!”, anyways it is a hazelnut spread; think peanut butter, but with hazelnuts instead. The pancake balls are also served with some sweet and spicy bacon. Usually the dish only comes with 6 pancake balls, but the cashier must have thought I was cute because as you can see I got 7 :). These things were amazing though. There wasn’t too much nutella and the balls were surprisingly really moist. Hold on that sounded bad lol, but you know what I meant. The real Vermont maple syrup made a huge difference too, much different from Aunt Jemima. Now lets move on to the amazing sweet and spicy bacon. I usually enjoy my bacon really crispy, but it was a little less well done. The flavor though was great. This dish definitely didn’t disappoint and I understand now what all the chatter was about. The friend I was with ordered the Breakfast Tacos and even though I didn’t taste them they just looked amazing so I decided to snap a pic.

I can’t eat here too often or I’ll be broke, but when I get the urge for some fantastic food I’ll definitely be back.

Until next time, remember to never ever forget about Nutella. Actually feel free to go out and buy a jar right now and bake me something :).

Cheers Mate!!!

Spinelli’s Deli- Victorian Village

Spinelli’s Deli is one of my favorite sandwich places here in the Capital City for three reasons. 1. Everything I’ve tried always taste good. 2. The staff is always very nice. 3. The price is relatively inexpensive. On this visit I went with something different. Usually I go with one of my favorite sandwiches the Jalapeno Joe, which is the turkey sandwich pictured. I felt like getting a little crazy on this visit and went with Spinelli’s Spicy Beef sandwich, which consists of steak, jalapeno bacon,  grilled onions and mushrooms, cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato and a mild horseradish mayo typically on an italian roll.

Well on this visit, they just happened to be out of italian rolls. ARE YOU KIDDING? After I got done throwing chairs and turning over tables I told them to just fix the damn thing… Okay, so if you didn’t catch the sarcasm, that was not the way it happened. The always nice staff was quick to tell me I could have the sandwich on any bread I would like and even suggested the asiago roll, so I went with it because how can you turn down cheesy bread. The spicy beef sandwich to no surprise was pretty good. I really liked the addition of the asiago roll, maybe they should think about putting it on that bread all the time. The sandwich had a decent amount of meat, I mean look at the picture it had meat everywhere. All the flavors really came through though. If I had to give another suggestion it might be to actually make the beef spicier. My thought is if you’re going to actually put spicy in the name as a sort of warning then follow through with it and make it spicy spicy. My taste buds can handle it.

This definitely won’t be the last time I visit Spinelli’s Deli. I would love to taste everything on their menu, but that would take a major time and workout committment.

Until my next food adventure, remember to support your local restaurants.

